
Flowarts.net is an online community resource portal created to foster the development of the Flow Arts, and to inspire and enable a broader audience to discover and enjoy the artform.

From written articles to photos and videos, Flowarts.net provides a wide range of curated informational and inspirational resources for beginners to advanced practitioners. Users can explore and discuss many forms of object manipulation, including poi, staff, hoop, sphere, wand/levi-stick, buugeng and many others.

The site also seeks to foster a global culture and community of Flow practitioners and encourage the connections between them. Dedicated users and moderators provide quality content and management of the site.

There are several other online social spaces for the spinning arts. The focus here is not on socializing for its own sake, but on quality instructions and inspiration to help users take the artform – technically and artistically – to the next level, and on providing opportunities for insight, inspiration, collaboration and connection across Flow Arts disciplines.

Flowarts.net is currently in beta and is aiming to launch this summer. Visit FlowArts.net!

Get Involved

Fund the Flow Arts is a US 501c3 nonprofit organization in service of the Flow Arts and the Flow Arts community worldwide.

Our current program and expense areas are in the production and promotion of several Flow Shows around the US, as well as the Seed Fund grant program that seeks to provide stimulus to projects whose missions and goals are aligned with those of FFA, creating community around or promoting knowledge of the artform to the general public.

Ways to get involved:

Volunteer: Fund the Flow Arts is a nonprofit organization that relies on volunteers for most of its operations. If you’d like to get involved and help out with future events (in exchange for free admission and possibly schwag), get in touch by emailing flowarts(at)gmail(dot)com.

Join the Board! Fund the Flow Arts is currently recruiting members for our Board of Directors. If you have experience or expertise in any of the areas listed below, or if you would just like to participate in building the world’s first nonprofit dedicated to developing and spreading love of the Flow Arts, please get in touch!

Specifically, we could use individuals with experience in any of the following:

  • Fundraising
  • Accounting/Finance
  • Marketing
  • Website Development
  • Event Production
  • Strategic Planning

Make a tax-deductible contribution. While our current activities do generate a bit of revenue, our earned income will not be enough to grow our programming and offer the services we have planned in an effective way. Current plans call for supporting the Flow Shows around the US, and implementing grants to Flow Artists and communities.

Contact us: flowarts(at)gmail(d0t)com

Coming Soon

We are currently working on getting our non-profit status and refining our other programs, including small grants and master classes. Keep an eye on this space for future announcements and look out for the Flow Show and Flow Arts.net in early 2011!