Our Programs

FFA currently runs two programs :: The Flow Show and the Seed Fund. Watch this space for more programs to come.

The Flow Show

The Flow Show’s mission is to present the Flow Arts in a dance theater setting.

The Flow Show offers emerging and professional flow artists an opportunity to present their artform in a dance theater setting, and to explore the boundaries between personal practice and public performance. It enables audiences to experience a unique show that fuses prop-manipulation with dance, storytelling and insights into the artistic process.

The Seed Fund

The Seed Fund is a grant program that provides stimulus to projects with goals that align with the Fund’s mission, including creating community around or promoting awareness of the flow arts.

Previous recipients have ranged from community spinjams to flow arts podcasts, from poi research to soundstaff technology, creating resources for injury prevention and more.

Stay in the Flow

Sign-up to stay posted on Seed Fund grants, Flow Shows & other programs.

Support the Flow Arts!

We rely on the support of our community and on people like you who believe in the power of the flow arts to transform lives. Please consider donating today to Fund the Flow Arts!

Your donation supports the Seed Fund grants, general overhead costs, and the Flow Show.