Entries by prisna

The 9th Flow Show SF: 14-16 April 2017

The Flow Show returns to Dance Mission Theater for its 9th year in the heart of San Francisco’s vibrant Mission District on April 14, 15 and 16, 2017. Packed to the gills with talent, imagination, and mind-blowing feats, this showcase highlights the Flow Arts, a combination of dance, creative movement, and skill props, that range […]

The Flow Show NYC: Circus and Dance Collide in Brooklyn Show December 21st-23rd

Drawing incredible talent from the across the country, The Flow Show is now coming to New York City for it’s east coast debut! Just as the showcase has in the past, The Flow Show NYC comes to give another deep, connecting look at the psyche, movement, and honed talent of hula hoopers, fan, contact staff, […]

The Flow Show 4

Thank you for your support! The Flow Show 4 sold out its 3-day run at Dance Mission and we couldn’t be more pleased.  The audiences were lively and supportive, and the artistry has only increased, if we do say so ourselves. Here’s a little highlights reel showing some of the behind-the-scenes process as well as […]

Fund the Flow Arts launches!

We are excited to announce the launch of Fund the Flow Arts! The Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the emergence, evolution, and expansion of the Flow Arts. “Flow Arts” has become an overarching term for the up-and-coming movement-based artforms that integrate dance and creative exploration of movement with skill-based prop manipulation. The […]

the Board

Prisna Nuengsigkapian, Board of Directors Prisna began firedancing in 1999 and actively performed the fire and flow arts from 2000-2009 in the United States and across the world as a solo artist, and in circus troupes and professional entertainment companies for stage shows, corporate functions, art and music festivals, and rock bands. Her unique style […]


Flow Arts communities and the Inspiration behind the Fund: Flow Arts communities are simultaneously local and global. All over the world, local spinjams and workshops bring together flow artists to play, practice and share tricks and concepts. The global Flow Arts community grows as people travel to international retreats and festivals, sharing their skills.  In […]

About the Fund

Fund the Flow Arts is a US-based nonprofit organization established in 2011 to present and promote the Flow Arts globally. The Fund aims to advance the prop manipulation-based Flow Arts. The Fund also seeks to foster local Flow Arts communities and cultivate the development of a global community of Flow Arts practitioners. In pursuit of […]

Coming Soon

We are currently working on getting our non-profit status and refining our other programs, including small grants and master classes. Keep an eye on this space for future announcements and look out for the Flow Show and Flow Arts.net in early 2011!